Welcome New Users

After you register you will be able to access the basic functions of the site.
Your site admin must upgrade your user status before you are allowed to access any privilaged information.
Select your profile picture.
Profile Color:
Favorite Quote:
First Name:*
Middle Name:
Last Name:*
Preferred Name:
Email Address:*
Text Msg Provider:
Text Msg Number:
Start Date:*
FH Expires:
Leave blank if missing
Email Address:*
Confirm Password:*
( * required field )
After you register you will be able to access the basic functions of the site.
Your site admin must upgrade your user status before you are allowed to access any privilaged information.


New User Registration:
Welcome new users. Please fill in required fields. You may also choose to fill in ALL fields now or come back to this page at your convenience.
Uploading Pictures:
Whether you are selecting your profile photo or adding additional photos, simply click the Browse button. This will bring up the files on your computer. Select the picture you would like to use and click the Open button. Now click the Upload button. Note - If a picture does not upload the first time, reduce the size of the picture and try again.
Preferred Name:
This will replace your first name on the schedule in case you go by a nickname.
Text Messaging:
To receive Text Messages such as your schedule and/or site messages please select your cell provider and number. Note - If you do not wish to receive texts, leave these fields blank